Sunday, October 23, 2011

My Updated Room!

I rearranged and slightly redecorated my room fairly recently, and I figured I'd snap a couple of quick photos of it to share!

When the RCN technician came over to fix our wireless, he told me that my room looked like a kid's room XD

View from the door ^o^  I've got a full collection of all the main My Little Pony characters from the Friendship is Magic series now.  Plus my Arashi Beautiful World concert clear-files ^o^

You can see one of my new Smileage posters on the wall, and you get a better view of my petticoat too!  Although that's now put away in a drawer ^_^

It's so much nicer actually having a bedframe - my back was beginning to feel the effects of my mattress being bowed all the time due to lack of support on the ends.  It's a little hard to get past it to get to the half of my room next to the closet, but it's workable XD

Friday, October 21, 2011

[Outfit Post] Daily Outfits

It's been awhile since my last outfit post XD  Here they are from the past 2 or so weeks!

Sweater: Liz Claiborne
Skirt: Lolita Princess

Cutsew: Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Skirt: Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Hairclip: Chocomint

Cutsew Dress: H.Naoto Frill
Cutsew: Target
Skirt: Bodyline

Cutsew: Target
Skirt: Baby the Stars Shine Bright

Cutsew: Target
Parka: Angelic Pretty
Skirt: Baby the Stars Shine Bright

Blouse: Gap
JSK: Boguta

Blouse: Target
Skirt / Hairclip: Innocent World

Cutsew: Target
Skirt: Baby the Stars Shine Bright

Cutsew/Parka: Target
JSK: Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Shoes: Secret Shop

Cutsew: Google
Dress: Jelly.J
Pants: Target
Boots: Sugar

Monday, October 10, 2011

Homestuck Figurine - John's Wise Guy Slime Suit

I've been reading MSPaintAdventures for awhile now, after my boyfriend introduced me to it (some of the stories were used in the MIT Mystery Hunt awhile ago). And we've been reading and discussing the current ongoing story, Homestuck.

Since John is his favorite character, I decided it might be fun to make him a little clay figurine of John. So, here's John in his Wise Guy Slime Suit (my boyfriend requested this outfit) and his awesome Pogohammer!!


I sculpted him out of white polymer clay. I basically started off with a cylinder-ish shape for his body and a sphere for his head, then added pants and jacket in separate pieces, and then added extra things for his hair shape. Here is the figure pre-paint:

Aaaand here he is after painting! For awhile he looked like a derpy Dracula (I think it's the hair/head).


I actually didn't take a pre-paint photo of this T_T However, it was also made out of white polymer clay, with coiled jewelry wire for the springs (so yes, those are in fact actual miniature springs). The slug was made as a separate piece and then glued on after everything was painted.

And here's John together with his Pogohammer!

They even stand up!!

This was a lot of fun to make, and I'm totally considering making figurines of other characters so the boyfriend can have a whole set ^o^