Monday, January 26, 2015

Just Drawing Some Manatee~isms


I found out about the LINE Webtoon Challenge League contest, and decided to try to make something to submit, even though the deadline was super close. You can read the first five episodes of "Manatee~isms" here! If you like cute manatees doing funny things, you might like it?

I'd very much like to continue drawing cute manatee (or other animal) cartoons in this vein, although I think it is something that will take considerable more time planning storyboards before I can consistently produce them in the future.


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Finding the Ocarina of Time


I've always felt like wind instruments have a certain old-fashioned charm to them that fills my yearning for woodland and fairy beauty. Ocarinas especially capture my imagination, with their airy almost ethereal sound and their unusual rustic-looking shapes. Of course, now you can get ocarinas in all sorts of interesting and modern designs, but I think I still associate them most strongly with mostly round and gourd-like forms.

I have had my ocarina for a while, but never really spent enough time learning to play it beyond just fiddling around once in a blue moon. I finally decided to buy a couple of simple songbooks for it so I can more easily get comfortable playing actual songs, instead of just twittering around blindly. I'm especially enjoying the "Anime" one because it turns out to exclusively contain songs from Studio Ghibli films, which I adore.


From the Sketchbook


Now that the hatsumode collage is done, I delivered it, and returned to a more normal routine of drawing requests. I tried out a new lineart technique on this one and I think I might try to do it more. It has thinner lines than I've been doing previously. It at least works better for nice flowy hair of the style I like.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

From the Sketchbook


Most of this week has been spent working intensely on the hatsumode picture so I could finish it, and finish it I did!

Here it is in all it's low-res glory... I think doing the background was actually the least comfortable part for me, just because I don't draw landscape things often and don't feel like I'm very good at it. Perspective and composition is hard, and I think it turned out a little awkwardly. But I tried? >_> I was hoping to be a able to deliver it this weekend, but I was just a tad too late finishing it, so I'll hold onto it for next weekend when everyone who requested for the collage might actually be around again.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Cover ~ Hoshimura Mai/Bleach "Sakura Biyori"

I've decided to challenge myself to record more songs, and I thought trying "quick and dirty" recordings might help. It'll also be good for me to learn that things don't always have to be perfect to be good. These will have minimal editing, probably just a single take with instrumental playing lightly in the background. But they're a lot less stressful to make and I might even be able to make myself make them more frequently!

I'm also going to try to continue doing all of the artwork for my videos myself now ^_^

I adore this song so much, the lyrics are really touching but it is also musically soothing, which I think makes for a wonderful ballad combination. I hope you enjoy it too!

"Sakura Biyori"
Original by: Hoshimura Mai for Bleach

Vocals: Kyttyee (

Feel free to use these lyrics/mp3 if you enjoyed them! Just please make sure to credit properly and include a link back to this video ^_^


~ MP3:[Kyttyee].mp3

Sunday, January 11, 2015

From the Sketchbook


This week, I've been working on a very large and much longer-term project than I originally expected. I'm not sure why I thought I could do a fully colored picture with 42 characters and a fully rendered background in a short amount of time...

Massive collage is massive. Actually, I'm not sure why they call it a collage, but it's a large picture containing many different characters from different series. The common theme here is Hatsumode, the first shrine visit of the year in Shinto religion. It's a lovely Japanese tradition, and all these characters are either coming in their New Year kimonos, or are mikos working at the shrine.

For now, two of the 42 characters are in color. Silhouettes are done, but actual coloring is going to be a while yet.


Sunday, January 4, 2015

From the Sketchbook


Happy Year of the Sheep!

Or goat, or ram, or whatever ovine creature of choice you'd like to substitute.

In related news, I've been drawing a lot of animanga requests and posting them under a pseudonym on some secondary accounts: and


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!


Another year has zoomed by and it's already four days into the new one! One of the things I was dissatisfied with last year was my lack of productivity. One part of it is allowing myself to define productivity as something other than academic achievement, but the other is actually pushing myself to produce more things of whatever type. And since the new year started conveniently just about the time I was having all these ponderings, I've decided that it can be more sort of New Year's Resolution!

I've decided to challenge myself to a personal project for this year. I've tried Project 365 and failed horribly because honestly, I'm just not a photo type of person, and I don't enjoy it enough for that sort of thing to not just become a chore. However, I thought, maybe it would work better if my goal was to just create *something* every day, whether it's taking a photograph for memories, or drawing a picture, or creating a musical snippet. So that's what my goal is this year - to try to make something every day. I might not make it, but I think it will at least push me to be more productive *and* to accept the idea that productivity has a vast definition.

So without further ado, here's to a wonderful and productive 2015!

This fruit tart looks shiny and delicious! It is very shiny. Emily thinks the fruit look like fake fruit from furniture store displays.
