008 / 365: With the news of the Hub Channel being absorbed into Discovery Family, and hopes of a Season 5 announcement, I've rekindled my love of ponies by delving into the dangerous world of My Little Pony comics! This is also thanks to the discovery of a really awesome comic book store near my apartment ^_^

009 / 365: With the new music project slowly taking some slightly more legit form, I've been busy this past week recording a couple of demos for it!

010 / 365: I was sick this day, and didn't really go anywhere. But being sick and colder weather is a great excuse for wearing cuddly fuzzy things, right? Even better if they're full of Hello Kitty, right?

011 / 365: Finally made myself a pop filter out of an embroidery hoop, some hosiery, and a wooden spoon. Yes, a wooden spoon.

012 / 365: Fluttershy best pony! More love for My Little Pony <3 data-blogger-escaped-a="" data-blogger-escaped-again="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-been="" data-blogger-escaped-br="" data-blogger-escaped-drawing="" data-blogger-escaped-enough="" data-blogger-escaped-even="" data-blogger-escaped-fanart="" data-blogger-escaped-few="" data-blogger-escaped-finally="" data-blogger-escaped-finish="" data-blogger-escaped-fluttershy="" data-blogger-escaped-get="" data-blogger-escaped-i="" data-blogger-escaped-ll="" data-blogger-escaped-maybe="" data-blogger-escaped-months="" data-blogger-escaped-now.="" data-blogger-escaped-on="" data-blogger-escaped-since="" data-blogger-escaped-song="" data-blogger-escaped-start="" data-blogger-escaped-that="" data-blogger-escaped-to="" data-blogger-escaped-unlazy="" data-blogger-escaped-ve="" data-blogger-escaped-working="">

013 / 365: Having fun drawing a lovely outfit photo for a fellow Lolita! It's nice getting back into drawing again, although I am still terrible with a tablet. Nice sketch like this somehow gets all derpified and weird when I scan and redraw/clean it on my computer for digital coloring >_<

014 / 365: Drawfriends in drawthreads are fun! Yes, I drew someone's waifu request... But I love Minami-ke so it was for me too! But Chiaki is best girl. Also... further frustrations with tablet... lines get all sketchy/squiggly, things get weird and derpy-looking, I can't control where I'm drawing TT_TT Please teach me the ways of tablet, senpai...

Woohoo! Another week down! Let's hope next week is also full of fluffy lovely things for everyone ^_^