Friday, November 1, 2013

[NaSoAlMo 2013] National Solo Album Month

As many of you may already know, November is National Novel Writing Month, more fondly known as "NaNoWriMo" during which people attempt to write a novel. In one month. As intriguing as the idea was, I've never actually participated in that, nor felt particularly compelled to, because I enjoy writing short stories once in a while, but I don't like writing *THAT* much.

I was very interested, however, to find out from my roommate a few years ago about something called National Solo Album Month, which is basically a musical adaptation of NaNoWriMo. The idea is to produce a 35-minute solo album in the span of one month (November). You're not allowed to start writing music/lyrics until November 1, and everything must be done by the end of November 30. What actually goes into this album is up to the composer (so, I *could* just... record myself improvising for 35 minutes straight if I really wanted to...).

I've toyed with the idea of participating every year, but never actually signed up for it, or put much real effort into it (I think I composed maybe two thematic motifs last year and then ran out of time/motivation to really continue with it). But I've decided, THIS YEAR, will be the year that I put real effort into completing NaSoAlMo, not with the intention of outputting anything actually good, but just to force myself to really get back into music writing. Besides, I have more free time now than I've ever had at any previous point in my life, right?

So here's to my first real NaSoAlMo attempt (yes, I even actually 'registered' with them, and am listed on their website as participating)!! Hopefully I'll have some actual positive updates every week, or twice a week, or something (probably not every day... that would get boring), and maybe even a whole 35-minute album by the end of November!

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