Well, originally it was 10, but I honestly just couldn't come up with anything substantial on 10 people, so I went with half that instead.
1. Misako Aoki
Her style shares a large majority of the aesthetics that I love and try to incorporate in my own outfits. Although she tends to use more JSKs and OPs than I prefer to, she's a fantastic inspiration for color coordination, using cute but still subdued accessories, ways to combine motifs, etc. I also love the way she does her hair and makeup, and definitely take a lot of inspiration from her as I slowly learn how to do my own styling better. I absolutely adore that her hairstyles are generally natural-looking and not overly elaborate, which is great for wearing on a daily basis.
2. Oli (lemontree11)
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="420"]

Image from http://lemontree11blog.blogspot.com/2012/06/fairytale-boutique-grand-opening.html[/caption]
When I first began my foray into Lolita fashion, I signed up on the (I think now defunct) lolita mentor Livejournal community, and was very very fortunate to be paired with Oli as my mentor. Not only does she dress in a lovely style that is really all her own, but she is also a fantastic artist and seamstress. We share a lot of common aesthetics, and she's offered me really great advice about the fashion. I adore her outfits, her artwork, and the dresses she makes, and really enjoy writing her as a penpal!
3. AMO
While she is not really a Lolita, what I take inspiration from is the etherealness of her style. She pulls it off perfectly from the clothes down to the hair and makeup. I look to her for ideas when I need to create a more porcelain-doll type of makeup look. I also adore the fact that she has lavender hair, and wish I were brave enough to do something like that ^_^ When I want to go for a lighter more floaty sort of outfit, I think about the sorts of things AMO uses in her outfits and try to incorporate the features that I especially like.
4. RinRin
First of all, she is an incredibly sweet girl and was really lovely and encouraging to me, offering me all sorts of useful tips and help when I was being an awkward penguin trying to model for Angelic Pretty at ACEN 2012. I like that she has a lot of range in the styles she wears and pulls them all off fantastically. I love watching her makeup videos and taking some ideas from them for when I need dramatic styling. I also like the way she styles her hair, and while it's more elaborate than I can manage on a daily basis, I've definitely borrowed some inspiration for meetup hairstyles!
5. moco
I find myself always feeling a bit wistful when I see girls who are in high school and already have such a well-developed sense of personal style and confidence. I definitely did not have the awareness or the self-esteem at that age. This girl wears a range of styles, but mostly tends towards cutesy styles like Lolita and Fairy Kei. She also changes her hair color a lot (which I think is super cool). I love looking at her photos, just to bask in the adorableness and wish that I could wear the things she wears (still don't have the confidence to really pull them off).