Anyways, I started the day off by visiting the H.Naoto booth. In retrospect, it probably would've been smarter to go on Day 1 when the designers were there, and there were fewer people all demanding their attention. As it was, none of the designers were there, since they were preparing for the fashion show. I bought an awesomely cute cutsew dress though! It's the one that was worn by Midori-chan in the recent H.Naoto fashion show in Japan. Anyways...
They told me to come back later in the day to get a picture with one of the designers ^_^ Also, I got 2 points on their US convention points card. I appreciated him rounding up since I didn't actually spend $200 XD. I felt a little bad that I had to make Mike follow me around and watch me be a girl (and even hold my stuff while I tried on the dress XD).
Unfortunately, I had to run to the pre-fashion-show and leave Mike to hang out alone until everyone else finished registering. The runway was like, an actual runway setup this year (I guess since they had real fashion designers showing this year). Ahh I wish I was skinnier and prettier and had better photos (ie, a real comp card or portfolio) so I could've had a better chance of getting chosen to be a H.Naoto or Sixh model, because... omg amaaaaaazing. But anyways, just being in the Lolita segment was fun too! I actually don't remember anything I did on stage (wooh adrenaline), but it was fun anyways ^_^ My feet were killing me though >_< Hopefully pics from that will be up soon!
Immediately afterwards, I did a quick change into my Hachi outfit :-D And then spent the rest of the wandering around with the rest of the troupe. I got recognized by one person without seeing Julie (my other Nana) first!! Yay win <3
I went back to the H.Naoto booth later in the afternoon, and got my picture with IBI (from Sixh)!!! I wish I knew more Japanese, knew more about Sixh, and that he wasn't busy at the time so I could've actually talked to him T_T But I still got a picture, and apparently I was in fangirl mode... apparently XD Ah well :-P
And then we all went to the linguistics department party, where everyone had a hard time recognizing me. I guess taking off the glasses and putting on the false eyelashes makes a huge difference XD
All in all, AN AWESOME DAY <3
Also, I managed to snag two Nino pencilboards *__*
I actually bought the yellow one on Friday, and then I came back Saturday and the booth had another Nino one up!!! Of course it was one with him in blue and with a guitar... had to buy!!!!
~(^o^)~ ~(^o^)~ ~(^o^)~ ~(^o^)~ ~(^o^)~ ~(^o^)~
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