So, I skipped class to go to ACEN on Friday ^_^ (It's okay, there probably wasn't much useful in class that day anyways XD).
First of all, the line for on-site registration was crazy long... it probably would back and forth about 4 times in the convention center lobby... They eventually moved it outside, as far as I could tell. Anyways, thank goodness I already had my badge mailed to me, and Mike had pre-registered so he just needed to pick up his badge.
Most of the day was spent just wandering around the dealer's room and Artist's Alley. We tried to go to a "Girls Who Like Boys Who Punch Boys" panel, but that was cancelled T_T We did manage to make it to the "Steampunk Treasure Hunters" panel, which was interesting and informative. I find steampunk intriguing, but I'm not entirely sure that I'd actually want to really wear it. I like Lolita, but not really strictly Victorian clothing, and the gadgetry and bronze objects don't really do it for me. However, I will admire others wearing it all day ^_^ I hope he does actually decide to make a steampunk outfit for next year, because he would look fantastic in it <3 We also went and watched part of the first episode of Evangelion 1.11, and then went to line up for the FLOW concert.
One complaint: When we got there, some IRT dude told us "NO BAGS" so we had to trek all the way to Mike's car, stash our bags, and by the time we got back apparently they decided to change the rule... WTF PEOPLE SERIOUSLY?! At least the IRT girl at the end of the line was super-cool ^_^
And FLOW concert... UM.... I'm all for supporting local and indie bands in striving to make it, since I'm a musician myself. However, I still felt like the time allotted for their opener band was waaaay too long, and the band was on the bad side of mediocre. The horrible sound engineering and acoustics of the room didn't help, I'm sure. FLOW themselves was awesome, and their English MCs were sooooo cute!!!! I had to leave early though, because I needed to make it to the fashion show meeting.
Anyways, I didn't have time to finish my Chiaki cosplay (next year, next year T_T) so I just pulled out my Amulet Spade, made a baton the morning of, and went ^_^
Haha Mike was pleasantly surprised at how popular we were (in terms of getting asked for pictures). I didn't think I'd be recognized so much, but yay ^_^ Also, one girl was adorable (she was dressed as schoolgirl Amu) and came running up and gave me a hug <3 Also... people had some interesting reactions to Mike's character (he was Aizen from Bleach). He was super-cute with his wig and glasses though ^_^
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