Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Autumn Woods


With all of the leaves turning pretty colors, autumn is one of my favorite times of the year to walk through the woods. The mosquitoes and gnats are no longer around to be a nuisance, and there's just so much pretty scenery to look at and enjoy.

A+ and I took a bit of a wander together out on the lake outcropping near our apartment. It's a really lovely area with a lot of little paths going through all the trees interspersed with fields of flowers. I think the carpet of fallen leaves makes them especially nice to walk through.

The past week or so has quite a few windy days, and along with the general rotting season, there were a lot of fallen trees in the area. This particular tree fell in a very interesting manner, and is now precariously perched.

The main path goes through the middle of the peninsula area, but the side paths go much closer to the lake. It's quite pretty seeing it glimmering through the trees as you're walking.

The tree colors seem to vary in patches, with some areas being very orange, while others are very red. This area was particularly yellow, as far as the eye can see.

We took our walk just in time for sunset, which is always pretty to watch over the lake in any season.

It's also about the time when people start showing up to make use of the various firepit areas in the area. This one is particularly large and finished, which is nice, but I think I prefer the smaller ones that just have simple logs for seating. Those just feel a bit more rustic and woodsy to me.

On our way back, I spotted a brave patch of flowers still blooming in the mostly-withered fields. Don't they look so bright and cheery?

A lot of the trees that turned earlier are now bare, so the pretty colors will probably be gone in another couple of weeks as winter approaches. But winter has its own sort of beauty too! It's my favorite season, after all <3


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