Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Welcome to the Wandering Willow


Greetings, lovely person! Thank you so much for visiting The Wandering Willow. This is my new home on the internet, where I blog about things in my life that inspire me, or that I do or create. Because I have a wide range of interests, my blog will likely reflect this, covering everything from fashion to music to crafts to japanese culture (traditional and pop). I hope you can find something here that strikes a chord in you, and that you will stay and share bits and pieces of my life with me.

As I begin a new chapter of my life, I've decided to do some reorganization in terms of my online activities. Thus, building my new home here.

Because I have been blogging in some form or another for a rather long time by now, I feel like it would be both sad and disingenuous to simply erase those parts of my internet life. It is very much still a part of me and made me who I am today, and I am more than happy to continue to share it with others. What this means is that the posts on this blog from long before this message are in a way "legacy" posts, an amalgamation of all the blogs I have kept until now.

Feel free to ignore them, or to enjoy them. Perhaps you can get something out of them still, or at the least they may provide some entertainment on a slow day.

In any case, please pour yourself a cup of tea (or tasty beverage of choice), put your feet up, and enjoy your time here!


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