Excuse the emoticon in the title, but I'm just so happy to be back en pointe again after my hiatus... (^~^)/
Right now, it's just once-a-week private lessons, and the promise of a pointe class in the future. Even if not, I'll just continue with the private lessons - I'm more than fine with sacrificing other parts of my budget for this XD Back en pointe!! Yay!! Now time to work on rebuilding the strength... muscle memory is still there, but I just physically can't do certain things anymore >_<
Things also feel a bit different because of my new shoes. This is my first time wearing Grishkos. My very first pair was some sort of Capezio that I decided I really didn't like much, and I wore Bloch Sonatas for basically the entire time I've been dancing en pointe. And now these... they feel somewhat different - I think better, but I'll leave that verdict until I've worn these a bit more. I generally dislike ankle elastics on my pointe shoes (another thing I discovered early on), but I don't know if it's that these shoes are just the tiniest too big or what, but I may have to resort to them because the heels keep slipping on demi-pointe, no matter how much I tighten the drawstring. All those complaints aside, they photograph beautifully...? XD
And that, my friends, seems to be the theme of this week...
Wah, this is so exciting :3
ReplyDeleteWhere did you take classes while you were in Boston? I've been trying to find a studio to attend frequently, and used to go to the Boston Ballet all the time, but this semester I have a PE class at the same time as BB's beginner class :(
^_^ I went to Fresh Pond Ballet primarily. The director is super nice and did a good job of teaching to a variety of levels and being careful about pre-existing injuries. It was also great because she let me take the advanced classes and pointe classes with her older "childrens" program students rather than always going to the normal "adult" ballet classes, since those tended to be lower level. They're located right next to the Porter stop on the Red Line.
ReplyDeleteAwesome, thanks for the info; I'll check them out this summer since I don't have much to do :3