That said, I decided a good way to become acquainted with my new drawing tablet (other than Photoshopping different animal heads and bodies together for my research stimuli), would be to participate in some sort of drawing challenge. In comes Equestria Daily's Artist Training Grounds!
It's actually been postponed a bit, but the assignments for the first two days already were released. The premise is that there is a mock war between ponies and griffins, and all the assignments center around that. I figured I didn't produce *terrible* things, so I might as well post them here ^_^;;
Day 1 Assignment: Draw a pony in armor or uniform.
Day 2 Assignment: Draw a pony in training.
I forgot to color the lineart for the first day, so I was very determined to do it for the second day. I'm thinking about trying a different style completely for the third day (more like, a painting type thing, no clear outlines, more shading, etc.) but that might just be unfeasible ^_^;; I guess we'll see how much time I end up having.
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