Sunday, August 14, 2011

Annual Midwest Lolita Meetup 2011

Yesterday was the second anniversary of the Midwest Lolita Meetup!!  I had a lot of fun both seeing old friends and getting to meet new people!!  It seems like the meetup has grown in attendance since last year, so that's also really awesome ^_^  Too bad it ended up raining (spectacularly, if I might say so) so we couldn't have our picnic outside in the park, but we ended up taking over the Cultural Center's cafe area, which worked out pretty well.

First off, my Dessert OP from BTSSB arrived just in time.  Well, technically they tried to deliver it Friday but my roommate decided to be awesome and deliberately ignore the mailman (*sarcasm*).  So I ended up picking the package up from the post office in the morning before the meetup.  In any case, it worked out pretty okay XD  It's a simple outfit, but I rather like that about it - I think I tend to have a penchant for simpler outfits anyways.  My hairstyle was inspired by a recent post from Midori, in which she showed off "Minnie Mouse" hairstyle with a giant bow.  Good thing too, since the only hairthing that really matched was my giant sax bow...
OP: Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Headbow: Handmade (LJ Millenaire)
Shoes: Secret Shop

And I actually remembered to bring my camera to the meetup this year (although I  still failed pretty bad at remembering to use it XD).  In any case, here's a few snaps of my friends (old and new)!

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