Monday, September 20, 2010

Easy Bracelets and a Drawing!

Life's been hectic lately, with traveling around to conventions, and the school year starting up!! In fact, I just graded six tests yesterday!! Anyways, point is, I just haven't had time to start or complete any crafting projects TT_TT

However, I did find time last night (between each test I had to grade) to make a bunch of easy pearl bracelets. I've been really needing some for Lolita, maid outfit, various cosplays, and could never find anything really suitable in stores. Finally I decided it was just cheaper and easier to string them up myself!

So there you go, a simple but useful project ^_^

I also recently (well, as of almost 2 months ago) promised a friend that I'd draw a picture for him, and I finally finished and inked it last night! No color, because I'm not very good with Copics yet ^_^;;

Yaaay!!! Hopefully I'll get enough practice and accumulate enough colors soon so I can do another picture that actually has color!!
