I was especially stoked because I'd recently bought a new crockpot for the express purpose of baking polymer clay things and hadn't actually used it yet. So yay! Sweets jewelry + christening of my polyclay crockpot = _>
First, we have a "Cake Slice Ring" (yeah... I'm a creative namer....):
A top view for the details:
And what it looks like on my (ugly) hand:
Next up, the "Triple Scoop Ice Cream Bowl Ring":
Top details:
I sort of wish I'd had a glass marble of the right size available when I was making this one. I had to freehand the shape of the bowl, so it's not as perfect as my OCD self would have liked.
Thirdly, "Chocolate Cupcake Ring":
Top view... not very exciting for this one:
Worn (it was kind of tall for my taste, but definitely smaller than most cupcake rings I see for sale...):
And lastly, my "masterpiece". By which I mean a 2-piece set :-P
"Chocolate Ribbon Set":
Top view of the ring, just for the heck of it:
Back of the barrette:
The ring worn:
Phew, so many pictures!
Overall, I was quite pleased, despite how long it took me. And my little crockpot worked perfectly as a baking oven! Just pop it on the low setting, stick a thermometer in there to monitor the temperature, and it's ready to go in about an hour :-P Yeah... so it takes awhile to heat up, but then again, it takes me awhile to actually make anything, so it worked out well.