Our second exercise in children's illustration was the creation of transformation books. These are simple 3-page books built around the concept of [equilibrium --> disequilibrium --> equilibrium].
This was directly after the stenciling exercise, so we were instructed to make use of that technique to some extent in the creation of our books.
When we presented our books to the class, we did it with sound effects for each page, rather than using words to describe/tell the story. So I will proceed to attempt a recreation of my sound effects through text here!
1. Boing ... Boing ... Boing ... Boing ... Boing ...
2. Boingboingboingboingboingboingboingboing... ... HMM?
3. BoingBOING! BoingBOING! BoingBOING! BoingBOING! BoingBOING!
I definitely had a lot of fun making this little book. Also, it's my first book! Haha the sound of that feels a little funny to say ^_^