I've seen this 30-day challenge floating around on tumblr for awhile, and I figured it might be fun to give it a go! But instead of doing one every day, I'm aiming for one every Wednesday, especially since some of them require compiling a series of photos that I certainly don't have on hand XD
So here's to Day 1 ^_^
I'm not entirely sure what defines a Lolita "bubble", but here's my interpretation of the question!
1. I was first a cosplayer, before finding Lolita. I actually found out about the fashion through cosplay.com, where I heard about "Metamorphose Temps de Fille." I thought the name of the brand was charming, took a look and was enchanted right away be the style. I didn't particularly find prints interesting (and I still don't like many Meta prints), but I loved the solid-color designs, all the frills and silhouette. Unfortunately, I was too poor at the time, so I didn't get into it, forgot about it for about 2 years, and rediscovered it (again from cosplay.com), when I found Baby the Stars Shine Bright and fell in love again.
2. My first Lolita pieces (I obtained both at the same time from the same person) were Bodyline Girly Notes skirts in black and burgundy. I think these skirts are some of Bodyline's best items ever, and to this day, they are still among my favorite and most often-worn items (along with the pink version, which I obtained soon after the first two). Yes, I love these so much that I have them in all three possible colorways ^_^
3. I tiptoe the border between classic and sweet styles. While certain prints really call to me, I generally prefer non-print items with intricate and interesting designs. My favorite brand is Innocent World, as the style is often refined, but still more sweet/youthful than more classic brands. Their aesthetic really captures the combined elegance and girlishness that I like when I'm really trying to dress up nicely. Solid designs from Baby and Angelic Pretty I find really delightful when I'm in a sweeter mood, and something I would prefer for every day (when I feel less need to be particularly elegant). They're very girly, and make me feel like a princess, without making me feel quite as subdued or mature as IW.
4. I generally prefer non-print pieces, but I do find certain motifs rather irresistible. These include music themes, birdcages, carousels, and prints based on mythology, fairy tales, and literature. My favorite print pieces that I own so far are Baby's Blooming Snow White, AP's Little Bird Sinfonia, Bodyline's musical children print, an older IW carousel print, and ETC's Pippi Longstocking. I am also inevitably attracted to ballet-related prints, and if I get near any, I will latch on and never let go!
5. My hope is to eventually have a print item representing all of my favorite fairy tales and stories! Thus far, I've covered Snow White, Swan Lake, Thumbelina, Alice in Wonderland, Pippi Longstocking, Peter Pan, Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes, and Cinderella. If only I hadn't spent so much money recently, I would have been all over Baby's Poison de l'Amour print T_T I can only hope to obtain it second-hand down the line somewhere, along with their Midsummer Night's Dream print.
6. I love punky boots worn with Lolita, particularly sweet Lolita. I think they form an interesting contrast with the silhouette and aesthetic of the clothing, and if styled right, are actually really cute. Maybe I just find blobby little feet to be cute because I happen to have blobby feet :-P
7. I prefer buying skirts rather than JSKs or OPs. While I love full-body pieces, I wear Lolita on a nearly-daily basis, and skirts are just more appropriate, allow for more combinations, and are cheaper. However, they do require a bit more contemplation to come up with a really great coordinate for, so I guess that's a trade off when it comes time to put together outfits for a meetup.
8. I have a fascination with Lolita winter wear. I love all sorts of Lolita coats, and if only I had an endless supply of money and space, I would probably have an entire closet of just coats. Given reality, I do not, but I really would like to eventually find or commission a Lolita raincoat! Instead of so many coats, I just satisfy myself with a pastel rainbow of scarves to wear with my outfits in the winter ^_^
9. I've gotten quite good at styling my own hair since I started wearing Lolita. While I do own a number of wigs, and I love them, I generally prefer to use my own hair if possible. Part of it is due to comfort - my hair is very long and thus wigs tend to fit very tightly and cause a headache after a full day of wearing. Another part of it is just that most of my wigs are long and down, and I would prefer not to mess up the fibers trying to pull them into various updos. Instead, I just mess up my own hair XD I would like to eventually look into getting some hair falls to use to make my curly buns poofier, for example, but matching hair color is so difficult to do through a computer screen.
10. I absolutely adore my local community, and just wish that I weren't so socially awkward and anxious so it would be easier to actually get to be friends with everybody. Unfortunately, that's not going to change anytime soon, but despite my anxiety, I always enjoy myself at meetups, and I'm just so glad everyone in my community is so lovely!