This was my first time doing an Artist Alley table ever, and luckily I shared a table with my friends (especially with all the crazy fashion show stuff going on!). I went into it not really knowing what to expect, and not wanting to run out of things. I need not have worried, since I have tons of leftovers, which incidentally will be going up in my store very soon! In fact, the rose headdresses are up already ^_^
Our table setup ended up working out perfectly, and we had enough variety of shelves to have multiple levels without ending up with a wire cave of doom or anything like that. Look, Lauren even remembered to take a picture!! (I did not, so thank you muchly, Lauren
Isn't it beautiful? ^_^ I'm really quite pleased with how well the table layout worked. Also, Lauren's pony display is amaze-pants!
There was pretty decent traffic through our spot, since we were right at the intersection of two large aisles, and also thanks to everyone else being much more vocal than I'm comfortable being.
I think we all ended up doing decently well, and my last-minute mustache necklaces were quite the hit. Time to make more of them, and embellished ones too? XD Also, lots of business cards were taken, so hopefully at least one or two of them end up being looked at again XD
Since this was my first AA, it was a lot of a learning experience. My first conclusion is that I really don't enjoy being a salesperson at all. My second conclusion is that mustache necklaces and fuzzy bows seem to be the preferred items at ACEN. My puffy bows weren't really much liked, and I think my rose headdresses were just outside the general price range. Hopefully I can manage to sell them online, since I really don't need more than a hundred puffy bows all for myself... My third conclusion is that I need to wear an eyecatching full-on OTT Lolita outfit, complete with elaborate hairstyle. Preferably in pastel pink, although my Sunday outfit seems to have been reasonably eye-catching. Maybe bringing my own tablecloth would help too, since then the entire table would be a different color than the standard.
Since I was so busy running around like a crazy person, I ended up not actually doing any of my Saturday or Sunday cosplays I had planned. I did do Zekrom Lolita on Friday, but I was too busy and forgot to take any real photos. Lauren again to the rescue took a photo, kind of. It was after I'd shed my wings and tail, unfortunately, and rearranged my hair to be less painful, but still, general idea exists... Basically kuro-Lolita but with some electric blue bows in the hair (one on top, on at the end of the ponytail bunch going down my back - you can see it in the table photo). So yay!
And of course, my Sunday outfit - the one "real" Lolita outfit I wore all weekend, since it was the only day I wasn't either cosplaying or needing to have my hair in a way that was suitable to being stuffed inside a wig at a moment's notice.
I'm wearing the skirt and headbow that I bought at the AP booth, in fact. I had seen this birdcage skirt on the Japanese site, and really really wanted it. And they had it at the booth! In black! In skirt form! It was just too perfect to resist. I thought about getting the socks too, but couldn't really justify spending the money after I also bought a purse from them. It's a really nice purse, and roomy too! Hopefully I get some good use out of it, since I've been needing a nice black Loli purse for awhile now ^_^
All in all, a really exciting ACEN! A report about the fashion show will probably come next, but I want to wait until I find out more about whether it's okay to post my photos or not. I already posted two of them, since I didn't realize we might not be supposed to (nobody said anything about it at any point), but I want to refrain from doing anything else for now.