I attended a cold, wet, but fantastic meetup last Sunday to watch the Chinese New Year parade in Chinatown. I had never been to the parade before, so this was pretty exciting! Plus I got to meet quite a few new Chicago lolis and see a lot of people I hadn't seen in quite awhile. We went to the St. Alps Teahouse afterwards, which was delicious! I got some ginger tapioca milk tea and a baked curry-over-rice casserole dish. The tea was fantastic - I think I've decided that I love spicy hot drinks! The curry was pretty good too, although I think I still prefer the Chi Cafe curry, plus there was no vegetarian option (only chicken) at St. Alps.
Because it was for Chinese New Year, I wanted to follow traditions and wear clothing that is brand new, and with lucky colors red and gold. Turns out, I have no pure red in my loli closet - just bordeaux red. However, one of said bordeaux things was my Twinkle Journey JSK from Meta, which I hadn't had any occasion to wear yet, so it was also brand new. Outfit resolved! I even did my hair in poufy pigtail buns, drawing inspiration from the stereotypical Chinese double-bun hairstyle.
Of course, it being cold and snowing heavily, the outfit ended up being underneath a coat most of the time, plus I switched out the shoes for boots after taking a peek outside. But the coat was bright red, so yay good colors!
Anyways, this meetup was fantastic, and I just wish I had the time to attend even more meetups!!