To commemorate her graduation, K-Snow and I ventured out to iHop for some Papancakes and Hapi☆Hapi Sundaes (perhaps with very! berry! strawberry! on top) followed by a Koha song title photo scavenger hunts of sorts, combined with a grocery shopping stop.
Our first stop was the iHop itself, where we admired the very Kirari to Fuyu street and window decorations.
Followed by an extremely large meal of Papancakes. Their eggnog pancakes were delicious, and K-Snow appeared to enjoy their Pupumpkin Papancakes muchly (along with... an entire tilapia dinner... O_O).
We finished off the meal with a Hapi☆Hapi Sunday (I mean, sundae) with strawberry compote on top!
After managing to drag our beached whale selves out of the restaurant, we decided to stop by Whole Foods for some more scavenger hunting and grocery shopping. On the way there, we saw a little shop where you can Tan Tan Ta(a)n! if you so choose.
Can you find all three Tan-s?
We also spotted a Rainbow Pink with an additional Tan for good measure.
Outside of the Whole Foods, we noticed that they seem to have a special going on EVERYDAY PRECIOUS DAY!!!
Inside the store, we were immediately met with very! berry! strawberry!
Yes, with all those exclamation marks... this giant pile was literally right inside the door...
Whole Foods was a treasure trove for Koha titles (as well as delicious delicious food that we were both too full to be really interested in...).
You can never go wrong with an appetizer of Himawari seeds
followed by a main course of Spaghetti.
And of course, everything will be great because Whole Foods is dedicated to providing you with SUGAO-flavor all day, everyday:
In addition to edibles, Whole Foods is dedicated to making you feel beautiful with their crazy organic bath salts.... So much so that they felt compelled to stick a Koi Sign in their salt bucket...
Having acquired a stockpile of food, we left the store and headed for a brief stopover in Chinatown, where we found a certain dimsum chef being extremely Happy
And who knew Milky Way condoned gambling?!
(It was better than getting in trouble for looking suspicious while trying to take pictures of the stars on police and fire department buildings/vehicles... >_>)
And now, back to the train station to head on home! What a long day! But oh no, we have to wait for the train :( In the meantime, we spotted some Futari wa NS
Apparently the Chicago L-map makers were big fans!
Oh, and they even managed to incorporate Sansan GOGO into the transportation system!!
(Bus route 330 on 55th Street)
Once home, we took some quick snaps of my Kirari-inspired outfit (Kirari + Lolita = Kiralita?)
Hey look, my skirt's even got some Mizuiro Melody on it! (At least, the melody part...)
OMG Koha's climbing out of our living room wall!!!
PHEW... what an exciting day! See how much we love you, Koha?! Please keep on doing crazy awesome things, even now that you've graduated!!!
Wa~ MERRY PIN X'mas!